Michael Beer

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Mike Beer is the Cahners-Rabb Professor Emeritus at the Harvard Business School where for thirty years he taught MBA’s and senior executives in HBS’s prestigious Advance Management Program. He is co-founder and Director of TruePoint, a management consultancy specializing in organization change and transformation and co-founder and chair of the non-profit Center for Higher Ambition Leadership. Mike is the author of twelve books, consults and speaks about strategic change – how senior leaders can develop more effective, purpose and values driven high commitment, high performance organizations. His most recent book (2020) is Fit to Compete.

 After completing his doctorate, Mike began his career at Corning Inc in 1965. There he founded and led the company’s organizational development and research department, among the first of its kind in corporations. Collaborating with leaders who faced competitive challenges he and the department developed several innovations in organizing, managing and leading. He was invited to join the faculty of the Harvard Business School in 1975. Mike has consulted with numerous Fortune 500 companies, among them Becton Dickinson, Hewlett Packard, Merck and IBM. In collaboration with Russ Eisenstat, he developed the Strategic Fitness Process, a time-tested process for organizational change and development that has been applied by over 800 senior executives around the world.

 In his free time, Mike enjoys time with his family, reading, walking and hiking, and spending summers in Kennebunk Maine where he enjoys playing golf. 

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